About Me
Glad to know you are here !
I’m really pleased that you have clicked onto my blog – hopefully this means that we have a shared love of photography and art, so I hope you will enjoy the time you spend reading my posts and maybe even get some inspiration for your own art.

Bethany Gooding
Hey there! My name is Bethany Gooding, and this blog is my little corner of the internet to talk about what I love. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with cameras and how they can capture a single moment in time forever. From that photo of Marilyn Monroe in the white dress, to the photo of the man standing infront of a line of tanks, certain photos have become pieces of popular culture or world history in their own rights.
So, it was somewhat inevitable that I would eventually pick up a camera myself and start learning everything I could about taking photographs of my own, as well as editing, camera accessories, essentially anything I could learn about the world of photography. Now, I’ve got to the point where I feel ready to share my knowledge and experience with the world so that others can discover the joy and expression that photography can bring.
And, while photography may be the thing I am most passionate about, I also love other types of art, and don’t ever want to pigeon hole myself into making, or appreciating, only one type of art. Art is freedom, art is self-expression, art is truth, art is both incredibly personal, yet can connect with so many people who understand the emotion that a piece is portraying, and recognise a time in their life when they also felt that way.
I also have been known to dabble in a bit of interior design, and really enjoy the process of putting my own stamp on a place, or working with others to help them inject a bit of their personality into a room. Some might see a blank room and panic – I see creative potential and this makes me very excited.
So, if you’re into all things photography, arts, and interiors, and are perhaps looking to expand your horizons and capabilities when it comes to these, this could well be the place for you!
If you’ve got a question for me, would like to suggest an idea for a topic I could talk about on this blog, or just generally want to connect, you can get in touch with me here.